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As I think about what I want to get into next, I find myself bouncing between pretty much everything.

Other than retiring and sitting on the beach, the obvious choice is to do something similar to what I did with Forge3, but in a different vertical. In other words, build a website, marketing, and communications platform for some other industry (or industries).

Obviously, I have a lot of experience doing this and could move quickly. So that’s appealing.

But there is a feeling of “been there, done that.” I’m not ruling this out though. Not yet.

I think I could put a unique spin on it and do something really amazing.

But in the meantime…

Meat sticks, pizza, and hot sauce

Last week, I stumbled into various “success stories” on YouTube. Here are a few of them.

Chomps: How We Turned $6,500 Into A Business Bringing In $244 Million A Year

This Pizza Sells Out 3 Months In Advance!! HOW?

Built a Hot Sauce Business on Weekends… HOW?!

Truth be told, I’m usually not a fan of these types of stories. They make it look too easy. They focus on the success and not enough on the grit and grind of the journey to get there.

But still, inspiration is inspiration.

So I got to thinking. Thinking about nuts.

I know, it already sounds nuts

Other than liking to eat them, I know nothing about nuts.

But that’s also what appeals to me. It’s something new to explore. A hobby. My muse.

I like the mental exercise and challenge of thinking about something way outside of my comfort zone.

I might end up looking like a fool and a failure. Whatever. I’ve been there many times.

“Failures” are stepping stones on the path to success. The only way to truly fail is to give up.

And if nothing else, this exercise will show my kids (and others) what it takes to go beyond a dream (the easy part) and into the grit and grind of actually doing something (the hard part).

The goal isn’t to start a nut empire. The goal is to explore something new, learn, and enjoy the process.

This journey might last a week. Or a month. Or maybe the rest of my life.

Either way, let’s get started, shall we?

Here’s the plan

I never thought I’d be taking pictures of nuts on grocery store shelves, yet here we are.

Nuts on a Shelf

Nuts are a commodity. A nut is a nut.

And by looking at the packaging above, everything looks pretty much the same.

So any type of success will require being different and standing out from the crowd.

Here are some initial thoughts for my new flavored nut company experiment:

  • Brand it “You’re Nuts!” (assuming there are no trademark issues).
  • Create bold, fun packaging (white, black, and red) with big lettering.
  • Experiment with crazy, unexpected flavors (and rotate them like Crumbl does).
  • Use social influencers doing crazy stuff to market them (similar to Red Bull).
  • Use social media to highlight adventure lifestyle, crazy flavors, and behind-the-scenes story.
  • Create insane flavors for challenges to spur viral demand (“Ghost Pepper Peanut Challenge”, etc.).
  • Focus on direct-to-consumer sales via website. As demand increases, explore retail distribution.

We don’t know until we try

Since the brand and vibe is the most important aspect of this business, I think that’s the best place to start.

Plus, I’m a visual person. I like to see stuff.

And having the branding and packaging mockups will allow me to pre-sell the product before it’s even made. This is a great way to gauge initial demand.

So to start, we need to research and finalize the brand name.

Once we have that, we can dive into the design process.

All of this feels nuts to me right now.

But let’s see how it goes. 😬

Jeff Teschke Signature